8:10 AMEndorsement by Minister of HealthDr. J Bisasor-McKenzie
8:20 AMWelcome from BAPRASMr. M Ragbir
8:25 AMHistory of CAPRASMr. V. Blackburn
Session 1 Moderator Dr G Neil and Prof S Thaller
8:40 AMCAPRAS integration to the Global StageDr. R Murphy
8:50 AMMelanoma OverviewMr. A Rose
9:00 AMSarcoma OverviewMr. P Crowley
9:10 AMSarcoma Free Flaps: 10-year experienceMs. A Sharaf
9:20 AMMOHS Experience in the BahamasMr. S Garikaparthi
9:30 AMNeuroplastic Surgery Approach to Adult Scalp and Calvarial ReconstructionDr. K.A. Mitchell
9:40 AMPlastic Surgery EducationMr. A Fitzgerald
9:50 AMComments Question and Answers
Comfort Break
Session 2 Moderator Dr G Williams and Dr R Agarwal
10:30 AMPost Bariatric Body Contouring Tips and TricksDr. P Rubin
10:40 AMLifetime tips for managing cleftsMr. P Hodgkinson
10:50 AMBone Grafts in Crainofacial ReconstructionDr. J Ward
11:00 AMRising Rates of Monomicrobial Necrotising FasciitisMr. A Fitzgerald
11:10 AMA Dogs DinnerMs. C Terry
11:20 AMDormitory Fire in Guyana- Reflective ExperienceMr. S Rajkumar
11:30 AMPerineal reconstruction with Gracilis FlapDr. R Escoffery
11:40 AMReconstructive surgery for CraniosynostosisMr. D Johnson
11:50 AMGreetings from RCSI and Head and Neck ReconstructionDr. B O’Sullivan
12:00 PMComments Question and Answers
01:00 PMDunns River Falls Trip or Golf
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Registration
Session 3 Moderator Dr. M Johnson and Dr K A Mitchell
8:00 AMOverview of DIEPMr. A Blackburn
8:10 AMGigantomastiaDr. G Crookendale
8:20 AMBreast Oncoplasty in IndiaMr. V Shankdhar
8:30 AMPost Mastectomy Lymphedema: Reconstructive Options for Reducing RiskMs. A Dancy
8:40 AMGlobal Breast Cancer Burden and the need for education and trainingMs. L Chagla
8:50 AMAlternate Flaps for Breast ReconstructionMr. S Rehman
9:00 AMSalvage vs Non Salvage of Free flapMr. C Malata
9:20 AMImpact of post mastectomy radiation therapy on DIEPDr. A Fries
9:30 AMComments Question and Answer
9:45 AMNCB presentation
9:50 AMHonour CallR Arscott and M Johnson
Comfort Break
Session 4 ModeratorDr S Rajkumar and Dr J Ward
10:40 AMCongenital Hand defectsMr. P McArthur
10:50 AMShould UK have a Workmen’s compensation act?Mr. C Rimmer
11:00 AMRadial Nerve Palsy ScaleMr. S George
11:10 AMDoes delay to surgery impact open hand fracturesMr. J Wormald
11:20 AMDigital Collaboration for optimizing outcomesMs. A Moore
11:30 AMHand Surgery PearlsMr. A Platt
11:40 AMTips and Tricks for Toe to Hand TransfersDr. L Troisi
11:50 AMRevolution of the upper limb prosthesisMr. A Roche
12:00 PMS.H.A.F.T.Dr. J Jones
12:10 PMComments Question and Answer
2:00 PMAnimal Farm Party
02:00 PMAnimal Farm Party
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Registration
7:00 AMCAPRAS Business Meeting
Session 5 ModeratorDr Mohammed and Dr S Garikaparthi
8:30 AMAesthetic TrainingMr. D Saleh
8:40 AMPractice Set upDr. R Arscott
8:50 AMEthnic RhinoplastyDr. K Spence
9:00 AMLong-term Outcomes of Transgender SurgeryMs. S O’Sullivan
9:10 AMAddressing the NeckDr. A Matarasso
9:20 AMBreast Reduction- No Vertical ScarDr. G Neil
9:30 AMAbdominal wall reconstructionMr. S Wood
9:40 AMDemographics of Skin Cancers in ScotlandMr K Rahman
9:50 AMComments Question and Answer
Comfort Break
Session 6 ModeratorDr C Neblett and Dr M Armstrong
10:20 AMKeloid Management in KingstonMr. G Arscott
10:30 AMCost of MicrosurgeryMr. F Mohammed
10:40 AMAdvances in Burn CareDr. S Satahoo
10:50 AMValue of Lower Extremity ProtocolsMr. J Berner
11:00 AMMarjolins Ulcer reviewDr. S Moore
11:10 AMInfection in Plastic SurgeryDr. K. Laurenco
11:20 AMPioneering Microsurgery in the CaribbeanMr. M Johnson
11:30 AMProfessionalism in SurgeryMs. R Waters
11:40 AMComments Question and Answer
12:10 AMVote of ThanksMr. R Venugopal
2:00 PMCatamaran Trip
8:30 AM Chukka Cove
Social Event Fees are separate
Screen 1
Reconstructive Techniques
1. Glyceryl Trinitrate Patch to Resolve an Angiosomal Problem Following Breast Reconstruction M Nyeko-Lacek, S Singh, S Young
2. Jejunum Free Flap for Hypopharyngeal Reconstruction: Experience of 79 Consecutive Cases Vinay Kant Shankhdhar
3. Successful Medial Plantar Artery Flap Perforator Reconstruction in Patients with Aberrant Posterior Tibial Artery Anatomy F Panduru, J Gibson, N Marsden, A Emam
4. NovoSorb® Biodegradable Temporising Matrix (BTM) Reconstructions of Open Lower Limb Trauma in the Elderly S Kulkarni, A Feilding, N Mohamed, M Paiva, S Alexander, D Clarkson, C O’Boyle, S Hasham
5. A Myriad of Uses for BTM A Pathak, T Buick, K Lindsay, F Hogg, D Jordan
6. Pleomorphic Dermal Sarcoma: A Management Challenge M Nada, F Fahmy
7. eDAM: An E-Delphi Consensus Survey to Inform the Clinical Utility of AMBlor - A Novel Prognostic Biomarker for AJCC Stage I & II Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma K Ravulapalli, D Coughlan, R Abbot, H Peach, P Lovat, A Rose
8. Mapping the Levels of Lymphatic Drainage of Primary Head and Neck Cutaneous SCC Using Direct Histopathological Analysis - A Pilot Study S Rangarajan, M Sood, E Erskine, R Thomas
9. An International MDT to Diagnose a Unique Presentation of Becker’s Naevus Syndrome K Gohil, L Wesley, A Jester
10. Atypical Neurofibromatous Neoplasm of Unknown Biological Potential C Terry, C Kulenkampff, S George
11. A Plastic Surgery Approach to Hyaluronic Acid Fillers - Refuting the Instagram Method S Kulkarni, N Cain, E Smith
12. Beyond Saline: Exploring Solvent Impact on Botulinum Toxin Injection Pain Perception G Vissers, G Van Hout, T Tondu, F Thiessen, V Verhoeven
13. Extra Corporeal Septoplasty for Complex Functional and Structural Problems: Our Experience S Rehman, A Iqbal, Y Saleem
14. Management of Vascular Occlusion in a Plastic Surgery Registrar-Led Practice N Cain, S Kulkarni, E Smith, R Rollett
Screen 2
Upper Limb
1. Developing a Pathway for Upper Limb Digital Ischaemia in Patients on Renal Dialysis S Singh, M Nyeko-Lacek, S Young
2. The Neurotised Reversed Homodigital Island Flap with RPNI C Terry, A Moore, S George
3. Two Rare Causes of Distal Ulnar Nerve Compression: Accessory FCU Muscle and Pisotriquetral Ganglion A Moore, S George
4. TMRpni: Why Compare When You Can Combine? 6-Years of Pain Gone in an Hour: A Case Report and Review of the Literature C Terry, S George
5. Axonal Branching in the Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interface Z Bailey, E Cuttaz, A Lee, J Goding, A Roche, R Green
6. The Replantation Experience of the University Hospital of the West Indies R Venugopal, P Ho, A Mathura, M Newnham, A Martin, C Neblett, M Johnson, S Moore, M Wanliss, A Lawson, G Arscott
7. The Wrist's Twisted Tale: Rare Flexor Variants and Nerve Compression A Moore, S George
8. A Multi-Centre RCT Of Antimicrobial Sutures In Hand Trauma Surgery J Wormald, J Rodrigues, R Bheekharry, N Riley, S Tucker, D Furniss, R Duunlop, R Jones, D Applebe, K Herbert, D Prieto-Alhambra, J Cook, M Costa
9. ”It’s Not Life Or Limb” But it is Life AND Limb – Increasing Amputations In Prolonged Vasopressor Exposure, What Can We Change? N Cain, M Collins, R Agarwal
10. Severe Surgical Site Infection in Hand Trauma: An Analysis of Hospital Episode Statistics J Wormald, J Rodrigues, D Furniss, D Prieto-Alhambra, J Cook, M Costa, J Lane
11. Self-amputation in the Upper Limb: Case Presentations and Literature Review of Psychiatric Management Peri-operatively D McGrane, N Cain, H Wright, S Hasham, R Agarwal
12. Virtual Wards: Improving Patient Experience of Plastic Surgery Tertiary Care A Fielding, S Kulkarni, K Tailor, C Jaipal, S Tamimy, K Steele
13. The Burden of Chemical Burns to Society R Venugopal, S Moore, R Arscott, C Neblett, M Johnson, M Wanliss, A Lawson, G Arscott
14. Management of Keloid Scars of the Earlobe with Corticosteroid: A Single Centre 30-Year Experience J Banks, C Milroy
15. A Single Centre Review of Veraflow Usage: Pushing the Capabilities of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy with Instillation (NPWTi) Mona Nada, Claire Porter, Heather Elaska, Lara Kilbourne, Liz Davies, Nathalie Cain, Reena Agarwal, Matthew Smith
16. Hand-sewn micro-venous anastomosis versus venous coupler in free flap reconstruction Amal Sharaf, Sarah Lonie, Timothy Patrick Crowley, Maniram Ragbir